Research Laboratory

The OsteoCare Lab is the molecular biology research laboratory of the Department of Orthopaedics, which was established in August 2024.
Click on a picture to find out more.

Labor Beitragsbild


The OsteoCare Lab is the molecular biology research laboratory of the Department of Orthopaedics, which was established in August 2024.

Team Illustration


Since August 2024, we, the OsteoCare Lab team, have been combining our expertise to jointly initiate projects in the field of orthopaedic research at the Faculty of Medicine at Bielefeld University.

Doktorarbeit Beitragsbild

Doctor, Master & Bachelor theses

From SS25 onwards, we regularly award Bachelor’s and Master’s theses to motivated students based on our research projects.

Jobs Illustration

Open positions

In the near future, we will be advertising another temporary position (3 years) for a biological technical assistant.

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