Click on a title to open PubMed® in a new window.
Periostin Splice Variant Expression in Human Osteoblasts from Osteoporotic Patients and Its Effects on Interleukin-6 and Osteoprotegerin
Kuebart T, Oezel L, Gürsoy B, Maus U, Windolf J, Bittersohl B, Grotheer V.
Int. J. Mol. Sci 2025, 26, 932
Biomechanical validation of a tibial critical-size defect model in minipigs
Ribeiro M, Grotheer VC, Nicolini LF, Latz D, Pishnamaz M, Greven J, Taday R, Wergen NM, Hildebrand F, Windolf J, Jungbluth P.
Clinical Biomechanics 2024 Sept 7; 120:106336
Radiographic outcome after greater trochanteric epiphysiodesis in patients with Perthes disease
Osterholt AC, Bittersohl B, Westhoff B.
J Child Orthop. 2024 Feb 4;18(2):153-161.
Comparison of compositional MRI techniques to quantify the regenerative potential of articular cartilage: a preclinical minipig model after osteochondral defect treatments with autologous mesenchymal stromal cells and unseeded scaffolds
Radke KL, Grotheer V, Kamp B, Müller-Lutz A, Kertscher J, Strunk R, Martirosian P, Valentin B, Wittsack HJ, Sager M, Windolf J, Antoch G, Schiffner E, Jungbluth P, Frenken M.
Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery (accepted August 23)
Dupuytren’s Disease Is Mediated by Insufficient TGF-β1 Release and Degradation
Oezel L, Wohltmann M, Gondorf N, Wille J, Güven I, Windolf J, Thelen S, Jaekel C, Grotheer V.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023 Oct 11;24(20):15097
Tumorigenic effects of human mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblasts on bladder cancer cells
Frerichs LM, Frerichs B, Petzsch P, Köhrer K, Windolf J, Bittersohl B, Hoffmann MJ, Grotheer V.
Frontiers in Oncology-Molecular and Cellular Oncology (accepted August 23)
Impact of a Six-Week Prehabilitation With Blood-Flow Restriction Training on Pre- and Postoperative Skeletal Muscle Mass and Strength in Patients Receiving Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty
Franz A, Ji S, Bittersohl B, Zilkens C, Behringer M.
Front Physiol. 2022 Jun 14;13:881484.
Patterns of Intervertebral Disk Alteration in Asymptomatic Elite Rowers: A T2* MRI Mapping Study
Benedikter C, Abrar DB, Konieczny M, Schleich C, Bittersohl B.
Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Apr 18;10(4):23259671221088572.
Evaluation of pro-angiogenic properties of an inorganic silica gel fibre fleece
Grotheer V, Windolf J, Suschek CV.
J Wound Care 2021 Sep 2;30(9):729-736
Illuminating the effect of beneficial blue light and ROS-modulating enzymes in Dupuytren’s disease
Jaekel C, Thelen S, Oezel L, Wohltmann MH, Wille J, Windolf J, Grotheer V.
PLoS One. 2021 Jul 16;16(7):e0253777
Osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblasts differs depending on tissue origin and replicative senescence
Grotheer V, Skrynecki N, Oezel L, Windolf J, Grassmann J.
Scientific Reports Sci Rep 2021 Jun 7; 11(1):11968
Detection of early cartilage degeneration in the tibiotalar joint usin 3 T gagCEST imaging: a feasibility study
Abrar DB, Schleich C, Radke KL, Frenken M, Stabinska J, Ljimani A, Wittsack HJ, Antoch G, Bittersohl B, Hesper T, Nebelung S, Müller-Lutz A.
MAGMA. 2021 Apr;34(2):249-260.
Non-Specific Low Back Pain and Lumbar Radiculopathy: Comparison of Morphologic and Compositional MRI as Assessed by gagCEST Imaging at 3T
Frenken M, Nebelung S, Schleich C, Müller-Lutz A, Radke KL, Kamp B, Boschheidgen M, Wollschläger L, Bittersohl B, Antoch G, Konieczny MR, Abrar DB.
Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Feb 26;11(3):402.
MMP-7 Serum and Tissue Levels Are Associated with Poor Survival in Platinum-Treated Bladder Cancer Patients
Szarvas T, Hoffmann MJ, Olah C, Szekely E, Kiss A, Hess J, Tschirdewahn S, Hadaschik B, Grotheer V, Nyirady P, Csizmarik A, Varadi M, Reis H.
Diagnostics (Basel). 2020, Dec 31;11(1) 48
The impact of non-toxic blue light (453 nm) on cellular antioxidative capacity, TGF-β1 signaling, and myofibrogenesis of human skin fibroblasts
Krassovka JM, Suschek CV, Prost M, Grotheer V, Schiefer JL, Demir E, Fuchs PC, Windolf J, Stürmer EK, Opländer C.
J Photochem Photobiol B 2020 Jul 6;209:111952
Impact of growth factor content on proliferation of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from adipose tissue
Franz KC, Suschek CV, Grotheer V, Akbas M, Pallua N.
PLoS One.2020 Apr 16; 15 (4):e0230265
Automatic Cartilage Segmentation for Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hip Joint Cartilage: A Feasibility Study
Hesper T, Bittersohl B, Schleich C, Hosalkar H, Krauspe R, Krekel P, Zilkens C.
Cartilage. 2020 Jan;11(1):32-37.
Blue light (λ=453 nm) nitric oxide dependently induces β-endorphin production of human skin keratinocytes in-vitro and increases systemic β-endorphin levels in humans in-vivo
Albers I, Zernickel E, Stern M, Broja M, Busch HL, Heiss C, Grotheer V, Windolf J, Suschek CV.
Free Radic Biol Med. 2019;145:78–86
Human iPSC-derived iMSCs improve bone regeneration in mini-pigs
Jungbluth P, Spitzhorn LS, Grassmann J, Tanner S, Latz D, Rahman MS, Bohndorf M, Wruck W, Sager M, Grotheer V, Kröpil P, Hakimi M, Windolf J, Schneppendahl J, Adjaye J.
Bone Res. 2019;7:32
Elite Rowers Demonstrate Consistent Patterns of Hip Cartilage Damage Compared With Matched Controls: A T2* Mapping Study
Bittersohl B, Benedikter C, Franz A, Hesper T, Schleich C, Antoch G, Hosalkar HS, Krauspe R, Zilkens C.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2019 May;477(5):1007-1018.
Differences of radiocarpal cartilage alterations in arthritis and osteoarthritis using morphological and biochemical magnetic resonance imaging without gadolinium-based contrast agent administration
Mori V, Sawicki LM, Sewerin P, Eichner M, Schaarschmidt BM, Oezel L, Gehrmann S, Bittersohl B, Antoch G, Schleich C.
Eur Radiol. 2019 May;29(5):2581-2588.
Blue light irradiation and its beneficial effect on Dupuytren’s fibroblasts
Krassovka J, Borgschulze A, Sahlender B, Lögters T, Windolf J, Grotheer V.
PLoS One 2019 Jan 11;14(1):e0209833
The Effect of Aging and Culture Senescence on Fibroblast Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation
Grotheer V, Eckhardt D, Schulz J, Messel O, Windolf J, Suschek C V.
J Tissue Sci Eng 2019, 9:222
Lengthening of newly formed humerus after autologous fibula graft transplantation following intercalary tumor resection
Pilge H, Ruppert M, Bittersohl B, Westhoff B, Krauspe R.
J Pediatr Orthop B. 2018 Jul;27(4):322-325.
Molecular- and microarray-based analysis of diversity among resting and osteogenically induced porcine mesenchymal stromal cells of several tissue origin
Bayraktar S, Jungbluth P, Deenen R, Grassmann J, Schneppendahl J, Eschbach D, Scholz A, Windolf J, Suschek CV, Grotheer V.
J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2018 Jan;12(1):114-128
3D double-echo steady-state sequence assessment of hip joint cartilage and labrum at 3 Tesla: comparative analysis of magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative data
Schleich C, Hesper T, Hosalkar HS, Rettegi F, Zilkens C, Krauspe R, Antoch G, Bittersohl B.
Eur Radiol. 2017 Oct;27(10):4360-4371.
Thickness Distribution of Glenohumeral Joint Cartilage: A Normal Value Study on Asymptomatic Volunteers Using 3-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Tomography
Schleich C, Bittersohl B, Antoch G, Krauspe R, Zilkens C, Kircher J.
Cartilage. 2017 Apr;8(2):105-111
New insights into the Tissue Homeostasis between TIMP and MMP in Dupuytren’s Disease
Borgschulze A, Sahlender B, Lögters T, Windolf J, Grotheer V.
Cell Biology; Research & Therapy 2017, 6:2
Glycosaminoglycan chemical exchange saturation transfer at 3T MRI in asymptomatic knee joints
Schleich C, Bittersohl B, Miese F, Schmitt B, Müller-Lutz A, Sondern M, Antoch G, Krauspe R, Zilkens C.
Acta Radiol. 2016 May;57(5):627-32.
Effects of thromboprophylaxis on mesenchymal stromal cells during osteogenic differentiation: an in-vitro study comparing enoxaparin with rivaroxaban
Pilge H, Fröbel J, Mrotzek SJ, Fischer JC, Prodinger PM, Zilkens C, Bittersohl B, Krauspe R.
MC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 Mar 1;17:108.
T2* mapping and delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in cartilage (dGEMRIC) of humeral articular cartilage—a histologically controlled study
Bittersohl B, Kircher J, Miese FR, Dekkers C, Habermeyer P, Fröbel J, Antoch G, Krauspe R, Zilkens C.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 Oct;24(10):1644-52.
Spectrum of T2* values in knee joint cartilage at 3 T: a cross-sectional analysis in asymptomatic young adult volunteers 2014
Bittersohl B, Hosalkar HS, Sondern M, Miese FR, Antoch G, Krauspe R, Zilkens C
Skeletal Radiol. 2014 Apr;43(4):443-52.
Direct comparison of intra-articular versus intravenous delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of hip joint cartilage
Zilkens C, Miese F, Kim YJ, Jäger M, Mamisch TC, Hosalkar H, Antoch G, Krauspe R, Bittersohl B
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2014 Jan;39(1):94-102.
Redox-mediated mechanisms and biological responses of copper-catalyzed reduction of the nitrite ion in vitro
Opländer C, Rösner J, Gombert A, Brodski A, Suvorava T, Grotheer V, van Faassen EE, Kröncke KD, Kojda G, Windolf J, Suschek CV.
Nitric Oxide 2013 Nov 30;35:152-64
The performance of an orthosilicic acid-releasing silica gel fiber fleece in wound healing
Grotheer V, Goergens M, Fuchs PC, Dunda S, Pallua N, Windolf J, Suschek CV.
Biomaterials 2013 Oct;34(30):7314-27
RETRACTION: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Displaced Clavicle Fractures in Adolescents
Hosalkar HS, Parikh G, Bomar JD, Bittersohl B
Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2013 Sep 24;5(3):e28.
Spectrum of radiographic femoroacetabular impingement morphology in adolescents and young adults: an EOS-based double-cohort study
Schmitz MR, Bittersohl B, Zaps D, Bomar JD, Pennock AT, Hosalkar HS.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Jul 3;95(13):e90.
Further publications by Mr. Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Bittersohl can be found at PubMed®.